As you can see we've been moving across the country quickly, we've gone about 1700 miles in 2 days.
Day 1The first day we were slated to stop Mt Vernon Illinois, but instead decided to cross the

Mississippi at St Louis. It turned out to be good because we would not have been able to see the gateway arch if we waited a day (it was very foggy in the morning). We drove until Kingdom City Missouri, I should have known better than to stay at a place called "Kingdom City", we stayed at a Days Inn, which was horrible. I was half expecting to find a fresh blood stain somewhere.
Overall we visited 6 states on Day 1 (Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri.
Day 2Boy this was fewer hours in the car, but a much tougher ride, I don't know how the pioneers did it, they must have been increadibly hearty people. I kept thinking that they would travel week

after week with only the hope of a better place, we have it so easy with modern conveniences. The high point of the day was seeing the windmill farm in Kentuky, they had hundreds of windmills up. I spoke with a girl at the gas station (no I wasn't flirting, but she was cute and wearing overalls), she told me that at first everyone was upset with the windmills because they interferred with the migritory pattern of a crane (personally I think this is the oil types who are trying to squash alternative fuel).
Don't get me wrong, Kansas was fantastic and georgeous and the people that I was able to speak

with were very friendly. I kept looking at the rolling hills and thinking what it must have been like to be a Native American looking down at thousands of Buffalo. As you can tell I had plenty of time to pretend I was someone else. It was a long trip. Anyway, we're now in Aurora Colorado, and resting up to go to Moab Utah in the morning (another 6 hours away, sigh).
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